Textile Recycling Solutions

EV - Recycling

Textile Recycling

Textile recycling is the process of recovering fiber, yarn, or fabric which can be reprocessed into new, useful products. Textile waste is split into pre-consumer and post-consumer waste and is sorted into five different categories derived from a pyramid model. The end product from our machines can be either reused or mechanically/chemically recycled.

There has been a shift in recent years toward recycling textiles because of new regulations in several countries. In response, companies are developing products from both post-consumer waste and recycled materials such as plastics. Results from academic studies demonstrate that textile reuse and recycling are more advantageous than incineration and landfilling.

Over 100 billion garments are produced annually, most of which end up in incinerators or landfills. The EPA reported that in 2018 alone, 17 million tons of textile municipal solid waste (MSW) was generated. The fashion industry is arguably one of the second biggest polluters next to the oil industry. By textile recycling, it decreases landfill space, creates less pollution, and reduces the consumption of power and water.

Textile Recycling Solutions

We offer customized Textile recycling solutions depending on your requirements. ELDAN’s recycling plants are known for high performance, low production costs, and high purity. The systems and machines are developed based on ambient mechanical technique for size reduction and separation and require no melting or chemical treatment.

Visit our site about shredders or material separation for more information.

Textile Recycling solutions – Plant overview

EV-Recycling plant

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